
활용 사례
제목 Current Status of Satellite Development and Application
국/내외 국내 작성일 2024-11-21

Current Status of Satellite Development and Application 첨부 이미지

Science and technology are advancing at an unprecedented pace, particularly space technology, where private sector-led innovations, including Earth Observation (EO) satellites, are driving rapid growth in the New Space era. The Korean Society of Remote Sensing (KSRS) has been pivotal in developing domestic remote sensing technology over the past 40 years publishing numerous high-quality research papers in the Korean Journal of Remote Sensing (KJRS). The Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite (KOMPSAT) series, developed under the Master Plan for the Promotion of Space Development, acquires high-resolution optical, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), and Middle-Wave Infrared (MWIR) images which are used for land and ocean surveillance, forest and agricultural management, water resources and environmental monitoring, and disaster response. In this study, we analyze the research topics related to the KOMPSAT series from the numerous papers published in the KJRS over the past 40 years

Keywords : Remote sensing, Earth observation satellite, KOMPSAT, Synthetic aperture radar, Middle-wave infrared, Artificial intelligence, Image processing

출처 원격탐사학회지
이전/이후 글
이전글 Self-supervised Deep Learning 기반의 고해상도 위성영상 상호등록
다음글 다음 글이 없습니다.


영상 정보
카테고리 재난재해
위성정보 KOMPSAT-3
생성일 2015-03-24


영상 세부 정보
ProductID K3_20150505073608_15817_06161210
국가(영문) Nepal
국가 네팔
지역 Pokhara
레벨 1R