
활용 사례
제목 International Chater: Flood in Paraguay
국/내외 국외 작성일 2019-05-24

International Chater: Flood in Paraguay 첨부 이미지

Heavy rainfall across Paraguay has resulted in rising water levels, with swollen rivers bursting their banks. The most affected department is Distrito Capital, with the northern communities of Presidente Hayes and Alto Paraguay also badly impacted with at least 6 people being killed.
A national emergency was called as flood waters rose cutting off rural towns. The high level of water is preventing relief teams and much needed medical aid from coming in. 
In the city of Pilar flooding has affected more than 90 percent of the population. Temporary shelters in Asuncion have been made available, though water and sanitation are a concern until aid supplies arrive.
Weather forecasts are predicting drier conditions, although the southern sections of the Paraguay river are susceptible to flooding over the coming days as the northern flood waters travel south.

※ 원문은 출처를 통해 확인할 수 있습니다.
※ 추가 키워드: KOMPSAT-5, 다목적실용위성5호, 아리랑5호, SAR, 파라과이, 아순시온, 홍수

출처 International Charter
이전/이후 글
이전글 2019년 5월 파라과이 아순시온 홍수
다음글 2019년 5월 미국 제퍼슨시티 토네이도 피해 모습


영상 정보
카테고리 재난재해
위성정보 KOMPSAT-3
생성일 2015-03-24


영상 세부 정보
ProductID K3_20150505073608_15817_06161210
국가(영문) Nepal
국가 네팔
지역 Pokhara
레벨 1R